Category: bikini competitor

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Figure and Bikini Competitor Water Retention

July 30, 2018

Ideal Stage Weight for Bikini Competitors

This is a revision of one of my more popular articles.  It seems the judges have been looking for bikini girls to be leaner and dryer than they were a few years back when I wrote the original article on Ideal Stage Weight for Bikini Competitors. So I've taken a close look at where my…

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Bikini Competition Diet Macros

October 14, 2013

Bikini Competition Diet Series: How to Calculate Your Macros

This is an expansion on a very, very simplified article I wrote back in 2010 on how to set up your Bikini Competition Diet Macros.  I've been hesitant to get too in depth with this since adjusting a diet is really an ongoing process, and you need to know when to leave things alone and…

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April 11, 2012

5 Keys to Bikini Competition Glutes

When I say bikini competition glutes, I mean the kind that deserve to win, not the loose, jiggly ones I see scoring trophies at amateur level competitions these days.  Do you want glutes that look tight while you’re walking onstage or do you want to jiggle around up there until you’re fully flexed?  Because I’m…

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Bikini Competition Dieting Carb Cycling

October 8, 2011

Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling For Bikini Competitors

Okay, looks like I’m finally fired up enough about something that I may have to write my first blog post in 5 months.  Every once in a while I like to pretend I’m a bikini competitor (this isn’t going where you think it is…get your head out of the gutter) looking for relevant contest prep…

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