Learn ALL the Bikini Competition Prep Secrets!
We are a small, but HIGHLY competitive PED-free International Bikini Competition Prep Team that focuses on utilizing the healthiest approach possible while remaining competitive in an industry full of coaches and competitors who will do ANYTHING to win. We were one of the VERY FIRST Bikini Teams, and the ONLY one that can boast a 90% placing rate since 2010. Non-Competitors welcome!

All Levels Are Welcome
We're more than just a bikini team. We also have non-competitor programs that are geared towards developing the competitor's physique.
Exercise Video Reviews
All of our clients submit video of themselves performing the lifts for us to review and critique. Training is adjusted accordingly.
Meal Plans AND Macros
We don't just give you macro targets and wish you luck...all clients get custom meal plans as well, and can request new foods!
Posing Coaching Included
All competitor clients receive free posing video reviews starting at 6 weeks out. 10% discount on virtual and in-person posing.
Hard work pays off

Our Coaches Practice What We Preach...
Joe Lenihan
Cherish Hunter
Nikky Rash
The Best Bikini Competition Blog Since 2010
Pricing Plan
Affordable Plans, Premium Coaching
$250 1st Month
Our FULL SERVICE program for girls who want to compete, or MIGHT want to compete. (No pressure to compete if you're unsure!)
- CUSTOM Meal Plan + Macros
- CUSTOM Training
- Video Review (form check)
- Posing Coaching (6 weeks out)
- Support between check-ins (as needed)
Frequently asked questions
(That I came up with myself)
Am I going to have to take Steroids or PEDs?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! We’ve always been a 100% natural team. Our clients don’t even use HRT unless their doctor precscribes it as treatment for ACTUAL dysfunction (i.e., not just so they can get away with competing more aggressively/more often than without it).
How custom is your programming?
VERY! We take into account your dietary preferences, gym/equipment availability, schedule, how much time you have to dedicate, health history, etc. We’ll come to a loose agreement on these things pre-enrollment, so that you can make an informed decision as to whether our approach is practical.
What federations and divisions do you prep for?
NPC Bikini Division is by far the most popular, but we’ve also prepped a lot of compeitors for OCB and other natural federations. We do prep for Figure and Wellness as well, but since those divisions don’t lend themselves to our drug-free approach, we only go that route with natural federations. Our posing coach only works with bikini competitors, but you can use any posing coach you want, and just have us handle your training/diet/etc.
Is posing coaching included?
Yes! In order to keep prices low, we only include weekly posing video review starting at 6 weeks out. You also get a 10% discount on Virtual and In-Person posing as a coaching client. We also have clients who use posing coaches outside of our organization, so no sense in absorbing virtual/in-person posing into the monthly cost if not everyone is going to use it.
I've noticed some coaches/teams talk publically about their clients. Are you going to do this with me?
We’ve noticed this too! I was a Full-Time Personal Trainer for a hospital-owned/operated wellness and fitness center from 1996-2002, and had to attend a mandatory 8 hour meeting when HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) came out in ’96. The dang Police woulda shown up had we acted the way some of today’s coaches do :). So no…we won’t ever disrespect your privacy…I still have flashbacks from some of those 8 hour meetings/my boss being paranoid about liability, etc.
How often do I check-in with my coach?
We’re of the belief that communication needs to be ongoing/as-needed. So we expect all our clients to ‘push’ information to us between check-ins, especially if urgent. In doing so, we’re able to space the formal check-ins out to every 2 weeks (more often as your competition nears), which we feel is better than the overly frequent weekly check-ins you may have seen advertised elsewhere. That said, we might ask you to update us on certain matters between check-ins, if we’re working on something (i.e., troubleshooting, etc).
What about Nutritional Supplements?
We don’t require any supplementation unless your doctor prescribes it. But we will often recommend basic supplements such as fish oil, magnesium, vitamins/minerals, etc. After you enroll, we’ll ask about your current supplements, and offer any suggestions in terms of which ones you might not need, whether your dosages look right, etc.
Do you do meal plans, or macros?
Both! We were actually one of the very first teams to allow competitor clients to work with macro targets, about 2 years before it became popular in 2012. All of our clients are provided a custom meal plan, AND the option to work with macros as well. The only time we might bend on this is if we’re troubleshooting (elimination diet to find problematic foods, etc) and need to temporarily go with meal plans, or you’re within the final stretch of prep. We also don’t do Vegan meal planning, but our Vegan clients can work with macros.