UPDATE: We have made some structural adjustments/improvements and are now able to take on non-competitors and those a bit further away from being stage-ready!  Just fill out the application at the end of this post if interested. As many of you probably know, several months ago I made the move to strictly working as a local

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Do you need a bikini competition refeed? See if this scenario sounds familiar:  Your bikini coach has had you on a super low calorie/carb bikini competition diet nonstop for weeks with NO bikini competition refeed.  You made some good progress at first, strength/performance in the gym was okay for a while, energy throughout the day wasn’t

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Okay, looks like I’m finally fired up enough about something that I may have to write my first blog post in 5 months.  Every once in a while I like to pretend I’m a bikini competitor (this isn’t going where you think it is…get your head out of the gutter) looking for relevant contest prep

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As a Personal Trainer to figure and bikini competitors, models, athletes and women wanting to get into peak shape, I’m constantly asked variations of one specific question:  What are the secrets to bikini and figure competition prep?  Given the understanding we currently have of how the body responds to diet and exercise, combined with the

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