Category: competitors
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June 11, 2015
Bikini Competition Diet: Why many competitors drop the ball on carb cycling
Carb cycling seems to be standing the test of time as a staple of the typical bikini competition diet, so I thought I would write a brief article on what I see being done incorrectly by many competitors, and how to make your carb cycle better. First I want to clarify that I am talking…
Read moreMay 28, 2012
Figure and Bikini Contest Prep Guide to Gas and Bloating
Just because its "clean" when you eat it doesn't mean it's going to be clean coming out the other end. That's what I should have named this article. But seriously, it's not uncommon when suddenly moving from the typical American diet to the average bikini contest prep diet to experience some gas/bloating. I think some…
Read moreAugust 29, 2010
3 ways to make your figure and bikini prep better (and easier)
As a Personal Trainer to figure and bikini competitors, models, athletes and women wanting to get into peak shape, I'm constantly asked variations of one specific question: What are the secrets to bikini and figure competition prep? Given the understanding we currently have of how the body responds to diet and exercise, combined with the…
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