Category: carb cycle
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June 11, 2015
Bikini Competition Diet: Why many competitors drop the ball on carb cycling
Carb cycling seems to be standing the test of time as a staple of the typical bikini competition diet, so I thought I would write a brief article on what I see being done incorrectly by many competitors, and how to make your carb cycle better. First I want to clarify that I am talking…
Read moreOctober 14, 2013
Bikini Competition Diet Series: How to Calculate Your Macros
This is an expansion on a very, very simplified article I wrote back in 2010 on how to set up your Bikini Competition Diet Macros. I've been hesitant to get too in depth with this since adjusting a diet is really an ongoing process, and you need to know when to leave things alone and…
Read moreNovember 7, 2011
Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling for Bikini Competitors Part 2
Okay I think I'm probably about 2-3 weeks late writing part 2 of Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling for Bikini Competitors, but I re-checked and google still has little to offer on the subject. Not that its google's fault. I love google. So I realized after re-reading part 1 that I never really bothered to…
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