Category: Bikini Competition Prep

Learn how we've maintained the highest placing % since 2010!

March 6, 2025

Q&A: Who Were the First Bikini Competitors to Win IFBB Pro Cards?

This topic came up on a reddit sub I frequent (they started talking about myself and my company a few years back, and sometimes when you talk about someone, that same someone shows up and says hello for a few years 😂).  Who were the first bikini competitors to win the IFBB Bikini Pro Card?…

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October 10, 2023

Can your metabolic rate increase enough to lose 3lbs of fat in one day?

This is an expansion of a sub-topic I briefly touched on in my last post Runaway Metabolism During Peak Week Carb Load.  That article was focused mostly on the common issue of struggling to fill out during a carb load, the days leading up to a show.  But there was one part of the article…

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September 20, 2023

Runaway Metabolism During Peak Week Carb Load

I’ve been hearing this newly fabricated runaway metabolism term thrown around a lot lately, so I thought I’d make fun of it (it’s been a while :). From what I can gather so far (as with all made up terms, the meaning will change week to week), the term is mostly used when an athlete…

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next level bikini prep npc colorado class win

May 10, 2019

22 NLPT Clients Brought Home 49 Top 5 trophies in 29 shows over 13 months

Just thought I'd give a quick update on our success rate lately. We're still right around our usual 90% placing rate since we started back in 2010. Over the past 13 months, we've put 22 different girls on stage (I told you we were a small team! :). Collectively they brought home 49 top 5…

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Bikini Competition Training

August 28, 2018

5 Keys to Bikini Competition Training

Just a quick run through of what I consider some keys to a proper bikini competition training program.  This isn't going to be a book, so I'm not covering everything...just what pops into my head as I type :) Bikini Competition Training Key 1: Appropriate volume per bodypart based on YOUR strengths and weaknesses If…

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Bikini Competition Diet

August 7, 2018

How we handle bikini competition diet and training for different body types and starting points

Just a quick post about how we handle bikini competition diet and training for various body types and starting points.  We accept clients of all shapes and sizes, and always make it a point to let each applicant know prior to enrollment what our approach will look like for them. Scenario 1: Initial Cut followed…

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Figure and Bikini Competitor Water Retention

July 30, 2018

Ideal Stage Weight for Bikini Competitors

This is a revision of one of my more popular articles.  It seems the judges have been looking for bikini girls to be leaner and dryer than they were a few years back when I wrote the original article on Ideal Stage Weight for Bikini Competitors. So I've taken a close look at where my…

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September 12, 2017

Bikini Competition Diet Macros: How we determine low carb vs. high carb for our clients

This is going to be a short one and not as technical as some of my other articles. I basically just want to briefly touch on how we go about determining our clients' bikini competition diet macros, specifically whether to go low carb/high fat, high carb/low fat, or moderate carb/fat once we've determined caloric and…

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next level bikini prep nicole overall winner

May 14, 2017

What Causes Post-Competition Rebounding (And Why it NEVER Happens to our Clients)

I'm going to just dive right in here: Most girls suffer from post-competition rebounding because they should have given themselves more time to get stage ready.  Ever hear a bikini coach or YouTube/Instagram fitness celeb say this? Probably not. I mean how are they going to cash in on the '12 week miracle transformation' craze,…

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December 31, 2016

Welcome New Co-Coach Nikky!

We’ve just added our third co-coach, Nikky Rash from Orlando, Florida!  Nikky is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NPC National Bikini Competitor. She will be offering primarily online training/nutrition, but also has (limited) availability for in-person training in Orlando. As always, our coaches coordinate behind the scenes to ensure all our clients are getting the…

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December 31, 2016

We Have the Longest Top 5 Placing Streak in the Industry!

Just a quick post now that we're at the end of yet another amazing season!  We are proud to announce that ALL bikini clients have placed top 5 and qualified for Nationals (or Provincials for Canadian regional level clients) this year, and actually dating back to April of LAST year (2015)!  So that's 1 year…

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bikini competition diet coach

August 15, 2015

Should Bikini Competitors do a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet?

July 2016 Update: I've received a number of emails/inquiries from people who assumed that because I wrote this article about CKD dieting that it is the approach we take for our clients. Just want to point out that we DO NOT do CKD or Ketogenic dieting, as you will find if you can suffer through…

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June 11, 2015

Bikini Competition Diet: Why many competitors drop the ball on carb cycling

Carb cycling seems to be standing the test of time as a staple of the typical bikini competition diet, so I thought I would write a brief article on what I see being done incorrectly by many competitors, and how to make your carb cycle better. First I want to clarify that I am talking…

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Bikini Competition Diet Macros

October 14, 2013

Bikini Competition Diet Series: How to Calculate Your Macros

This is an expansion on a very, very simplified article I wrote back in 2010 on how to set up your Bikini Competition Diet Macros.  I've been hesitant to get too in depth with this since adjusting a diet is really an ongoing process, and you need to know when to leave things alone and…

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Next Level Bikini Client Lisa Smiling

October 7, 2013

IIFYM or “Clean Eating” for Bikini Competitors…which is better?

Should a bikini competition diet utilize IIFYM (if it fits your macros) or the ever popular "clean eating"? Its funny that we're considering bikini competition diet IIFYM and "Clean Eating" to be opposing viewpoints/concepts now.  Just 10  years ago I was in charge of a successful 12 week lifestyle/body transformation program at my gym, and…

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Become our next success story!

Next Level Bikini Prep Kori Black