Category: Figure Competition Prep
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August 7, 2018
How we handle bikini competition diet and training for different body types and starting points
Just a quick post about how we handle bikini competition diet and training for various body types and starting points. We accept clients of all shapes and sizes, and always make it a point to let each applicant know prior to enrollment what our approach will look like for them. Scenario 1: Initial Cut followed…
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October 14, 2013
Bikini Competition Diet Series: How to Calculate Your Macros
This is an expansion on a very, very simplified article I wrote back in 2010 on how to set up your Bikini Competition Diet Macros. I've been hesitant to get too in depth with this since adjusting a diet is really an ongoing process, and you need to know when to leave things alone and…
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October 7, 2013
IIFYM or “Clean Eating” for Bikini Competitors…which is better?
Should a bikini competition diet utilize IIFYM (if it fits your macros) or the ever popular "clean eating"? Its funny that we're considering bikini competition diet IIFYM and "Clean Eating" to be opposing viewpoints/concepts now. Just 10 years ago I was in charge of a successful 12 week lifestyle/body transformation program at my gym, and…
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May 28, 2012
Figure and Bikini Contest Prep Guide to Gas and Bloating
Just because its "clean" when you eat it doesn't mean it's going to be clean coming out the other end. That's what I should have named this article. But seriously, it's not uncommon when suddenly moving from the typical American diet to the average bikini contest prep diet to experience some gas/bloating. I think some…
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April 26, 2012
Bikini Competition Diet: Refeeds for Figure and Bikini Prep?
Do you need a bikini competition refeed? See if this scenario sounds familiar: Your bikini coach has had you on a super low calorie/carb bikini competition diet nonstop for weeks with NO bikini competition refeed. You made some good progress at first, strength/performance in the gym was okay for a while, energy throughout the day wasn’t…
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April 11, 2012
5 Keys to Bikini Competition Glutes
When I say bikini competition glutes, I mean the kind that deserve to win, not the loose, jiggly ones I see scoring trophies at amateur level competitions these days. Do you want glutes that look tight while you’re walking onstage or do you want to jiggle around up there until you’re fully flexed? Because I’m…
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March 28, 2012
Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling Part 3: Setting up a Carb Cycle
In this final installment of the Bikini Competition Diet Carb Cycling Series, I'm going to take you through the steps of setting up a carb cycle for figure or bikini competition. As mentioned in Part 2, I don't really see the point in carb cycling much sooner than about 6 weeks or so out from…
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November 7, 2011
Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling for Bikini Competitors Part 2
Okay I think I'm probably about 2-3 weeks late writing part 2 of Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling for Bikini Competitors, but I re-checked and google still has little to offer on the subject. Not that its google's fault. I love google. So I realized after re-reading part 1 that I never really bothered to…
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October 8, 2011
Bikini Competition Diet: Carb Cycling For Bikini Competitors
Okay, looks like I’m finally fired up enough about something that I may have to write my first blog post in 5 months. Every once in a while I like to pretend I’m a bikini competitor (this isn’t going where you think it is…get your head out of the gutter) looking for relevant contest prep…
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December 11, 2010
Figure and Bikini Competitor Q&A: Initial Weight Gain With Strength Training
Q: I just switched to lifting heavier weights a few days ago. Why am I a pound heavier? Is it normal to have some initial weight gain with strength training? A:This is a question many figure and bikini competitors have asked after beginning a traditional strength training (i.e. lift a relatively heavy weight for several…
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September 18, 2010
Bikini Competition Diet: 5 Reasons NOT to Cut Sodium!
While I think most bikini competition prep coaches have come a long way with regard to pre-contest depleting or “drying out” practices, there still seems to be a lot of confusion regarding sodium manipulation in the bikini competition diet. I've intentionally left bikini competition out of this post, since depleting is completely pointless, and actually a…
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August 29, 2010
3 ways to make your figure and bikini prep better (and easier)
As a Personal Trainer to figure and bikini competitors, models, athletes and women wanting to get into peak shape, I'm constantly asked variations of one specific question: What are the secrets to bikini and figure competition prep? Given the understanding we currently have of how the body responds to diet and exercise, combined with the…
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August 6, 2010
Bikini Competition Supplements: This, Not That
As much as I hate some of the recommendations the “eat this, not that” books make, the concept itself is great. And I think we could use a version for bikini competition supplements. The average person with average fitness goals could probably make some measurable improvements in their overall health and appearance by simply referring…
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